In a world where advanced humans with special powers which become active during puberty live in fear of the general public, there is a special school, which specialises in teaching these people how to
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A special bording school for gifted children. Here, those with powers can come and and learn how to use and control thier powers. The school was named after it's Headmaster, Mr. Hanekoma. The general public do not know that Hanekoma High is actually a school for those with powers, but it is secretly being funded by the government as a way to recruit 'Super Soldiers' into the army. Moderator:Moderators
A bustling city, filled with people. The city has had a good deal of atatcks by Supervillains in the past, which has led it's public to become wary of anyone with powers, be they good or bad. Moderator:Moderators
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